The implementing of measures that reduce the tons of waste that damage and threat biodiversity will be essential to fight pollution through the ratification of international treaties.  It is of paramount importance to highlight the international interest of the main actives about the urgence of immediate actions to mitigate the effects of the climate changes […]

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As sustainability education helps us to see the bigger picture, no matter where we work, it also shows how every workplace action can impact the climate. The debate over how much forward motion COP26 has truly created will continue over the coming year and into the next COP summit. But this much we know today: […]

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In July, 2021, the European Commission presented a measurement package, “Fit for 55 package”, whose main purpose is to reach the carbon neutrality until 2050. This package is about a set of proposals that will accelerate the change to a new economic model in which words like recycling and reusing will no longer be something […]

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Examining the information that involve the global warming, many can find the data deceitful or inaccurate. The internet is a channel for sharing incorrect information, including global warming. This revelation can make people disregard completely the precise and true information.

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The human being has a problem of consumerism: we always need “things”, want “things”, buy “things”. We have them, use them and after we do not know what to do with them. Many times we do not even question, we simply discard them without asking ourselves the consequences of this use and consumption. So, they end up being wastes that, only occasionally, have a good recycling practice.

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Did you know that tourism is one of the industries that most pollute? It represents 8% of emission of the greenhouse gases all around the world. The same way, a report from the United Nations for the Environment affirms that, on the high season, the marine trash in the Mediterranean region increases up to 40%. The unique use of the plastic allied to the phenomenon of the mass tourism has been impacting a lot the touristic regions.

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The mass tourism has been being an economical blessing to billions of people all around the world. After pandemic it must return effectively, trips to relax, to visit and to live, easily than ever, accessing the most exotic destinations.

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The transformation of non-recyclable plastics into resistant roofs

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Did you know that there are countries where rewarding systems are implemented for people who recycle?

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Paris is the home for some workshop or “repairing cafés”, monthly free initiatives that allow the local citizens to repair home appliances and electronics with the help and the council from enthusiastic volunteers. Inspired on the initiative launched by the journalist Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009, hundreds of similar workshops operate in the whole Europe.

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